Please click on the button below to register for byteMAL 2025. In case you would like to cancel your registration, please let us know via email:
Register hereDuring the conference, there will be a chance to present a poster or give a 12-minute talk. By presenting a poster or giving a talk, participants get the chance to present their research and show their current ideas, results, or products. When registering for byteMAL, you can indicate whether you would like to present a poster or give a talk. In case you signed up for a talk, you will be asked to submit an abstract.
Please note that there is time scheduled for only a limited number of 12-minute presentations. So, if needed, the organizing committee will make a selection based on the submitted abstracts. When you are not selected for a talk, you still have the opportunity to present your work via a poster presentation. If you have still any questions, feel free to contact us via e-mail:
Abstract guidelines
- Include title, authors, and abstract
- Max. 300 words (excl. title, authors, and references)
Poster guidelines
- Portrait format
- A0 size (or similar)
Presentation guidelines
- 12 minute presentation
- 3 minutes Q&A